Zámek Boskovice, Hradní 6, 680 01 Boskovice
Tel. +420 516 452 241

   Near the above mentioned, in the town of Boskovice, ever since the 13th century, a castle of
the same name used to stand. It was, however, abandoned in 1733. Today it is a noteworthy ruin,
newly secured and equipped with outer walls, whose height correspond to the original walls. A
manor, built between 1819 and 1826, became the successor to the castle. The building contractor
was duke František Xaver of Dietrichstein, who chose, for the manor, the convenient location of
a former monastery (abolished by emperor Josef II. in 1784), whose walls were partially used
for the construction. The manor has typical period features of the Empirical, with its
interiors exemplifying an unusually pure form. Today it is again in possession of the earl's
lineage of Mensdorff-Pouilly.
   Within its wall there is the outstanding main hall, interpenetrating two stories of the manor.
A manor exhibition, including a rich library and pictures of Dutch painters,
illustrates to visitors the period of the first third of the 19th century.