Státní zámek Březnice, 262 72 Březnice
Tel. +420 318 682 179
e-mail: breznice@pusc.cz

   A late Gothic castle, which was preceded by a fortified settlement from the 13th century, was
rebuilt after 1548 by Jiří of Lokšany as a Renaissance manor, extended between 1625 and 1632.
It is situated in a park with exotic tree species and a small pond.
   Inside there is the outstanding Lokšanská library with a painted beam ceiling, wall paintings
(both from 1558) and period cabinets. Other noteworthy interiors are an early Baroque chapel
with mainly Rococo furnishings and a feast hall with a panel ceiling. There are also lineage
galleries as well as the collections of the Krakovskýs , the Kolovraty and the Pálffys,
including a second library and a rather small collection of old weapons and armor.