Muzeum v Bruntále, Zámecké nám. 7, 792 01 Bruntál
Tel. +420 554 717 947

   On the site of the late Gothic castle the nobility of Vrbno built a Renaissance manor, which
was, however, confiscated from them in 1621 and for more than 300 years it belonged to an order
of German knights. Between 1766 and 1771 the manor received a Baroque shape, though some
Renaissance elements were kept, such as arcades in the courtyard.
   Furnishings of manors is, over all, fairly rich. On the representative first floor, we find
twenty halls and rooms with Baroque, Rococo and Classicist furniture (for example the Audience,
Dancing, Green, Oriental and Dutch Halls, dining room, library, and armory). There are
outstanding wall paintings from the Rococo period. The other five halls contain paintings by
Italian, Dutch, Flemish and German masters from the 16th to 18th centuries. There is a castle
chapel and halls with changeable exhibitions on the ground floor.