Zámek Duchcov, nám. Republiky 9, 419 01 Duchcov
Tel. +420 417 835 301, e-mail: zamekdux@practive..cz

   Václav Popel of Lobkovice ordered a Renaissance manor to be built on the site of the
stronghold of the nobility of Osek after 1570. This became the predecessor to the Baroque
manor built between 1675 and 1685 according to architect J. B. Mathey's plans. The
Valdtejns proceeded to further adaptations after 1720, when architect F. M. Kaňka modified
the shape of the side wings, which he connected by a latticed wall with statues from M. B.
Braun's workshop They annexed a long wing with stables and also cultivated a manor garden.
The facade of the manor was changed to a more strict Classicist form in 1814 - 1818.

   Inside you will be awed by the main hall (see picture), whose ceiling is decorated
with a fresco by V. V. Reiner. Its other extensive fresco is situated in a newly built
manor pavilion. In Duchcov, the outstanding Valdtejn picture gallery is also preserved.
There is also an exhibition portraying the life and period of the well known lover G. G.
Casanova (+1798), who was employed in the manor, as a librarian, towards the end of his