Zámek Humprecht, 507 43 Sobotka
Tel. +420 493 571 583

   The Humprecht manor is today one of the dominant structures of Czech Paradise, which was
commissioned by earl Humprecht Jan Černín of Chudenice. The project of rather small scale with a
quite unusual oval ground plan was drafted by Carlo Lurago. The construction, which should be
reminiscent of the Constantinople Galatská tower, were launched in 1666. After the fire of 1678 the
master builder Francesco Ceresolla raised the manor one story higher and on its oval tower a cross
was erected, later replaced by a yellow Turkish crescent.
   Of the interiors there is a central main hall, illuminated by seven windows placed up high not far
from the ceiling, which are outstanding both for their height (16 meters) and their remarkable
acoustic properties. Expositions in the castle and the Sobotecka Museum can be seen in the rest of
the rooms. There is a black kitchen which has been preserved in a lower part of the castle. On a
clear day one a beautiful view from the balcony.