Karlova Koruna
Zámek Karlova Koruna, 503 51 Chlumec nad Cidlinou
Tel. +420 495 484 519

   The High Baroque manor by Chlumec nad Cidlinou was built in 1721 - 1723 for František
Ferdinand Kinský. The basic architectural design was drafted by Jan Blažej Santini-Aichl.
The details and participation in the building process can be attributed to famous František
M. Kaňka. The manor's design reveals one of the most noteworthy manor dispositions created
in our country. The central high cylindrical body of the building is occupied by a three
storied main hall to which a triad of residential side "wings" is connected. Due to this the
manor does not need passages and its external appearance changes as the observer walks
around it.
   There is a rich exposition situated in the manor, demonstrating the Kinsky house
including a collection of numerous portraits to visitors. Here, one can become further
acquainted with the history of breeding the Chlumec horses through the many interesting
exhibits on this subject.