Klášterec nad Ohří
Zámek Klášterec nad Ohří, 431 51 Klášterec nad Ohří
Tel. +420 474 375 436

   In the 16th century there was, at first, merely a manorial court here. It was substantially
expanded by 1590. Thus, in the period following, by the time of Kryštof Fitzhum became the
owner, it could be considered a manor. As late as 1666 the manor was transformed by the
architect, C. Lurago, and builder Rossi into the representational residence, supplemented
shortly afterwards with a newly erected loggia (the present appearance - see small picture).

   The statues were supplied to the newly modified garden by Jan Brokof. The fire in 1856 was a
the catalyst for important reconstruction, which gave the edifice its present romantically
Neo-Gothic appearance. The design was created by V. Hagenauer. After 1860, though a series
of partial modifications were carried out, the architectural development of the manor was
   There are original Renaissance rooms on the manor's ground floor, which are decorated
with stucco. A rich china collection, enabling the visitors to appreciate the history of its
production in Bohemia, can be seen in the interior.