Kulturní středisko Kravaře, Alejní 24, 747 21 Kravaře
Tel. +420 553 671 201

   The original manneristic structure from the 17th century was substituted in 1721 - 1728 with
a construction of quality, the four wing Baroque manor, built in response to Jan Rudolf,
baronet of Eichendorff.
The slightly oval tube of the Chapel of St. Archangel Michael, penetrating the southern wing
of the manor, hides a beautiful altar with valuable frescos above it, which were made by F.
I. Eckstein.
  There is an exposition familiarizing visitors with the aristocratic life of the
Eichendorffs in a section of the manor building.
The predominantly Baroque furnishings, brought together to Kravaře from several Moravian
museums, makes the newly reconstructed rooms of the manor "snug and cozy".