Státní zámek Kynvart, 354 91 Lázně Kynvart
Tel. +420 354 691 269, e-mail:

  In the spa region of the Cheb district can be found the Kynvart manor, refashioned in 1821 -
1836 in response to the Austrian chancellor W. L. Metternich into an Empirical manor. The
construction was designed by the builder Pietro Nobile.

  There is a precious library,
containing Medieval manuscripts, incunabula, and rare prints from the Benedictine monastery
in Ochsenhausen, scientific books and encyclopedias for a series of scientific branches. In
1828 a museum was founded on the manor on the initiative of chancellor Metternich, where it
is possible to see the collections of the natural history, coins, historical and technical
curiosities, manuscripts, old Egyptian items, weapons, pictures, marble sculptures, and
objects of Oriental art.