Státní zámek Lednice, 691 44 Lednice na Moravě
Tel. +420 519 340 128
e-mail: lednice@pambr.cz

   The rich constructional development of the present Romantic building began as early as the
Middle Ages in connection with the noted House of Liechtenstein, which utilized Lednice for
representation purposes since the 18th century. The manor had therefore altered its
appearance according to the governing styles of architecture.

   The present appearance of Lednice is a result of the Neo-Gothic reconstruction of 1846 -
1858, designed by Georg Wingelmüller. The ostentatious Baroque riding school edifices,
designed by the architect Johann B. Fischer of Erlach have been preserved since the end of
the 17th century. There is a glass house, built in 1843 - 1845, according to the project by
P. H. Desvignes, leaning to the manor on the eastern side.
   Not far from the Lednice manor, on the left bank of the Dyje river, a wonderful
structure, called Janův Hrad, was founded after 1801. The project was drafted by the
architect, Josef Hardmuth. The exterior of this structure, originally conceived as a hunting
lodge, imitates a Medieval ruin, in accordance with the then touch for romance. The building
plan consists of four corner tower like formations marking off a square space. The frontal
wing interior, decorated with ornamental mural paintings, contrast sharply with the object's
external appearance.
   A perfect frame for the manor is the French garden and its vast provincial park, one of the
largest in the Czech Republic. There are many noteworthy decorative constructions within it,
for instance the Temple of the Three Graces, the Temple of Apollon and several other
structures. There is a graceful minaret protruding from the rich park green
within a sight of the manor. This minaret is a singular architectonic monument, constructed
based on the design of Josef Hardmuth in 1797 - 1804.
   The rooms open to the public in the manor's ground floor stand out, namely due to the carved
decorations. All the rooms are magnificent, but most of all the library, with its splendid
fusiform stairs and imposing entrance hall with beautiful ceilings and lower facings of
Turquoise, Red, and Blue Shows.