Státní zámek Lemberk, 471 25 Jablonné v Podještědí
Tel. +420 487 762 305

   From the original Medieval castle only the cylindrical tower has been preserved until today.
However, the regular character of the manor edifices bears witness to the fact that they may
belong to the newly erected buildings originating from the end of the 16th century. A
considerable early Baroque modification, which gave the construction its present appearance,
occurred after 1660 under the direction of Jan R. Breda and his successor Kryštof. the most
famous occupier of Lemberk, in the 13th century, was Zdislava, the wife of the castle
founder, becoming famous within her short life through both her merciful deeds and talent to
miraculously heal. In 1995 she was canonized by Pope Jan Pavel II.
   Of the interiors it is the late Renaissance Hall of Fables that stands out, named after
the 77 motif from the Esop's Fables, which are painted on the panel ceiling. A kitchen from
the 17th century has been preserved in a functional state.