Zámek Liběchov, 277 21 Liběchov
Tel. +420 315 697 036

   The interesting ground plan of the manor in Liběchov reveals upon first inspection a
different foundation for its two basic sections. More than a half of the round water
stronghold has been preserved, though it was expanded in the Renaissance style. Between 1720
and 1730 F. M. Kaňka annexed a new building, (see picture). The manor got a Classicist
expression after the adaptations in 1783, and mainly in 1811. In 1801 Liběchov was bought
by the prosperous industrial entrepreneur Jakub Veith. His son Antonín hosted representatives
of all parts of social life in those times, especially intellectuals and artists, in the
interior of the manor which was newly decorated with mural paintings by Josef Navrátil.

   In 1963 the manor Liběchov was taken over by the National Museum in Prague, and after demanding
reconstruction, museum management installed unique expositions of arts and crafts of Asian
culture in the twenty-one halls. About two thousand works and items from China, Vietnam,
Korea, Japan, and other countries are in an inimitable way integrated with the beautiful
European interiors of the 18th and 19th centuries.