Státní zámek Libochovice, 411 17 Libochovice
Tel. +420 416 591 443, e-mail:

   The manor Libochovice ranks among the most outstanding early Baroque structures in the
Czech Republic. It was preceded by a Gothic stronghold, rebuilt between 1560 and 1564 into
a manor, which provided the foundation for the present structure. It was built between 1683
and 1690 according to the design drafted by Antonius Porta for Gundaker of Lichtenstein.
The manor is preserved in a nearly genuine early Baroque condition. Also restored was the
original red decoration of the peripheral walls.
   Among the interior, Saturn's Hall in the southern wing is the most impressive,
pervading two stories, decorated with a mighty fireplace with sculptures of high artistic
value and a beautiful ceiling. Other rooms reflect, through their various decoration, the
transformations of architectural styles from Baroque to the historical styles of the 19th
century. In addition to the furniture of the manor, your attention will be attracted to a
collection of tapestries, paintings, glass, and china. On the ground floor is located a
permanent exposition of the life and works of J. E. Purkyně, the prominent Czech
psychologist, who was born here in 1787.