Státní zámek Litomyšl, 570 01 Litomyšl
Tel. +420 461 615 067, e-mail:

   The manor, one of the most outstanding Renaissance structures in Bohemia, was built at the
residential site of the Kostkas of Postupice when the Pernštejns became the owners of the
estate in 1567. One of the most powerful aristocrats in the kingdom, Vratislav of Pernštejn,
ordered that it be built between 1568 - 1581 in the form of a three story four wing
structure with a square court. The notable architecture is a characteristic work of the
architect of Italian origin, Giovanni B. Aostalli and his nephew Ulrik Aostalli.
   The older buildings in the southern wing, apparently the former bishop's palace, were integrated into
the new structure. The sgraffiti on the facades are the creation of Šimon Vlach. The court
is formed by arcades on three sides, the fourth side being decorated with a rustic work and
chiaroscuro, mostly representing the scenes from classic mythology. The entire periphery of
the manor is lined with gables, belonging among the most valued specimens of Czech
   The 14 rooms are currently open at the manor. The late Baroque manor theater with
numerous well preserved decorations, established in late 18th century, is the most