Státní zámek Milotice, 696 05 Milotice u Kyjova
Tel. +420 518 619 643, e-mail:

   It arose through the gradual transformation, after 1650, of the Renaissance residence
which, in turn, had replaced a 14th century medieval fortress. The work was commanded by
the Hungarian Sérenyi family, who came into possession in the mid-17th century. The
earliest Baroque elements appeared in the 1680´s, but the original Renaissance plan of four
wings with an upper floor and corner turrets was maintained. More thoroughgoing alterations
were introduced in 1720-1750 by Karl Anton Sérenyi. The stucco decoration of the castle
apartments was carried out by Giovanni M. Fontana in 1723-1725.
   As at Vranov Castle, the central room here is the Hall of Ancestors with a huge trompe
l´oeil fresco by F. Eckstein depicting the apotheosis of the House of Sérenyi. The mid-18th
century chapel is an equally grandiose creation. Its vault has murals by Josef I.
Mildorfer, and the sculptures of Franz Kohl adorn the interior.