Mnichovo Hradiště
Státní zámek Mnichovo Hradiště, 295 01 Mnichovo Hradiště
Tel. +420 326 773 098, e-mail:

   The Renaissance manor, built by the prominent Czech aristocrat, Václav Budovec of Budov,
came into the hands of Albrecht of Valdštejn after 1620. At the turn of the 18th century
Arnošt Josef of Valdštejn ordered the manor be rebuilt into the true Baroque style, and it
has remained in such a style ever since.
   Today, the original period interiors that are publicly accessible are fitted with
mostly Baroque and Rococo furniture. The windows and doors, set off with distinct framing,
complete the pleasant impression emitted by the rooms. Of the manor collections, the delft
faience most stands out, displayed on the walls and furniture of the sumptuously furnished
room, additionally decorated with a fine wooden ceiling and sculptured ornaments in the
wall parget. The manor library is rich as well.
   Another place of interest in Mnichovo Hradiště is the lapidary of several dozen statues
from the 18th and 19th century in the former Capuchin church and chapel of Saint Ann with
the tomb of Albrecht from Waldstein.