Zámek Opočno, 517 73 Opočno
Tel. +420 494 668 216, e-mail: pup@pupce.cz

   This Renaissance manor was established in the times of Vilém Trčka from Lípa (perhaps on
the site of a Gothic castle) in 1560 - 1567. Its layout has been preserved to the present
day, except for a minor change. The adaptation of the manor performed probably by Jeronym
Count Colloredo, after a fire at the end of the 17th century, concerned the side wings and
outer facades only, not the arcade yard itself. The garden with a villa has been
established beyond the site of the manor, no doubt in the late Renaissance, thanks to J. R.
   Among the interiors the Knight Hall stands out fitted with valuable armor and various
stabbing and cutting weapons and firearms. The manor chapel and the representation drawing
room are remarkable for their stucco decoration of the walls and ceilings and large
portraits depicting members of the families of the owners of the manor. It is also possible
to see the picture gallery of the manor, men's bedroom with richly inlaid dark furniture
and other rooms. Further rooms contain collections from Africa and America.