Státní zámek Ploskovice, 411 42 Ploskovice
Tel. +420 416 749 092, e-mail:

The manor of Ploskovice was built as a summer residence by the Grand Duchess Anna Marie Františka
from Toscany in the first quarter of the 18th century. Originally it was a small manor yet its
demanding Baroque decoration was made by the most prominent Prague artists, painter V. V. Reiner
and plasterer T. Soldatti. In the middle of the 19th century the manor became a private residence
of the retired Austrian emperor Ferdinand von Habsbourg, the last crowned Czech king. At this time
another floor was added to the manor and it was generally reworked.

The ostentatious decoration of the inner spaces in the style of the second phase of Rococo was made
by the sculptors and plasterers V. Levý and M. Effenberger, the magnificent paintings are the work
of Josef Navrátil, one of the most prominent painters of Czech Romanticism. The older stucco
decoration, especially in the Sala Terrena, has also been preserved, as well as from newer artistic

The interiors of the manor offer examples of contemporary furniture, paintings and china,
bowls from Nový Bor and glasses from the 19th century. An interesting Baroque garden house from the
period of construction has been preserved in the garden.