Státní zámek Ratibořice, 552 03 Česká Skalice
Tel. +420 491 452 123

   Lorenzo Piccolomini (+1712) had a Baroque villa of Italian type built on the site of an older
residential building to which a new oblong wing for the servants was connected in the second
half of the 18th century. After 1810 the manor was adapted in Classicist style for Kateřina
Vilemína, Duchess of Zaháň, known today especially from the work of Božena Němcová.
   The historical interiors recall the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Near
the manor there is the area of Babiččino (Grandmother's Valley, see "The Grandma" by Božena
Němcová), Staré Bělidlo and Ludra's mill.