Slavkov u Brna (Austerlitz)
Zámek Slavkov, Palackého nám. 1, 684 02 Slavkov u Brna, tel. +420 544 221 204
Mohyla Míru, 664 58 Prace u Brna, tel. +420 544 228 029, e-mail:
WWW stránky

   Slavkov near Brno is another name for Austerlitz, world-known as the battlefield where Napoleon
defeated the combined armies of the Russian and Austrian Empires on December 2, 1805. The Baroque
chateau seen here was mainly the work of Italians. It was designed by the Lucca architect, Domenico
Martinelli; the sculpture was mostly the work of Goivanni Giuliani; the interiors, as well as the
frescos and plaster work, were done by Andrey Lanzani and Santino Bussi. Beginning at the turn of
the 18th century, the chateau was over 60 years in the making.
   The paintings of the central hall and the chapel, dating from the 1760's, are the work of J.
Pichler. The chateau includes a gallery of paintings, inherited from the 17th and 18th century
collection of the Kounic family, and a historical museum with a permanent exhibition on the theme
of the Battle of Austerlitz.

   Austerlitz (Mound of Peace). The memorial has been erected at the site of the bloody "battle of
three emperors" which took place on the 2nd of December, 1805 near Slavkov, better known in Europe
under the German name Austerlitz. Here, the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the
numerically superior Austrian-Prussian army led by the Austrian emperor Franz II and the Russian
czar Alexander I. All combating parties signed a truce at the castle of Slavkov on 6th of December.
The Mound of Peace in Praka on the Slavkov battlefield was built according to the project drafted
by J. Fanta during 1910 - 1911.