Státní zámek Vizovice, 763 12 Vizovice
Tel. +420 577 452 762

   Vizovice was built in the middle of the 18th century on the site of former monastery by Franz
Anton Grimm, after the current French style. Overall, it evolved into a comfortable home and
social center. The premises serving the administrative and operational purposes vere banished
into its wings and extensions, thus creating a background for the central building.
   The interior furnishings, most of which are still in very good condition, are in Baroque, Rococo
and Biedermeier style. There is a valuable collection of china, but more valuable still are the
contents of the picture gallery which includes works by J. Fyt, J. H. Schönfeldt, J. R. Bys, J.
Kupecký, F. Tamm, J. Drechsler, P. Potter, and especially some of the Dutch masters. Moravian
sculptor, A. Schweigel, designed the interior of the very impressive chapel, and other works of
his may be found in the palace garden.