Státní zámek leby, 285 61 leby
Tel. +420 327 398 121, e-mail: zleby@pusc.cz

   The original early Gothic castle was established before 1289 by the barons from Lichtemburk; it was
destroyed by the Hussites and later restored again in the middle of the 15th century. The radical
Renaissance reconstruction was overlaid by a top Baroque adaptation shortly after the middle of the
18th century but almost nothing of it has been preserved on the exterior of the manor. The reason
is that Vincens Karel Auersperg (+1867) had the whole manor radically adapted in Romantic style by
architects F. Schmoranz and B. kvor. These gentlemen followed English models and gradually built
an interesting building which however was criticized by the contemporary architects because it did
not respect the previous construction development of the manor and moreover according to their
opinions did not fit to the Czech environment.
   The remarkable interiors of the manor are fitted with valuable armor and many cold steel
weapons. The historic furniture is complemented by its high quality copies from the 19th century.
The decoration of the rooms is completed by a set of paintings, glass and other objects which add
to the venerable impression of the spaces.