Státní hrad Bezdìz, 471 62 Okna
Tel. +420 487 873 131

   An order for the foundation of the castle, ruling the countryside around Mácha's Lake, was issued in 1260 by king Pøemysl Otakar II. Czech sovereigns kept this castle in their possession up to 1420. Its importance can be illustrated by the fact that even in the course of the thirty years war, the commander Albrecht of Valdštejn ordered a Baroque bastion to be built in front of the castle. Since 1633 the castle premises served as a monastery, and after its abolition in 1785 Bezdìz was abandoned. Since the middle of 19th century significant restoration projects have taken place on Bezdìz, which has allowed the castle to have survived until the present as an excellent example of early Gothic architecture.