Český Šternberk
Správa hradu Český Šternberk, 257 27 Český Šternberk
Tel. +420 317 855 101, e-mail: info@hradceskysternberk.cz

This early Gothic castle, founded around 1240 is belongs among monuments, which have been named after and belonged, since their foundation up to the present, to members of a single lineage. Český Šternberk was conquered by the soldiers of Jiří of Poděbrady in 1467. The ruined castle was later returned to the aristocracy of Šternberk and they extended it in a ostentatious reconstruction securing the castle with powerful fortifications. The last significant adaptations took place in the second half of 17th century, when the original broken silhouette nearly disappeared.
During the tour you will walk through Baroque rooms with period furnishings of considerable artistic value, complemented with more recent furniture from the 19th century. There is beautiful Baroque stucco decoration in some of the halls. Other rooms are dedicated to important representatives of the Šternberk family. Among the collections, one that stands out is a large collection of graphic sheets from the 17th century. Also, historical weapons and hunting trophies are exhibited there.