Státní hrad Kĝivoklát, 270 23 Kĝivoklát
Tel. +420 313 558 120

   The Kĝivoklát castle is one of the oldest and most significant castles built by the Czech dukes and kings, the beginnings of which date back to the 12th century. Under the rule of Pĝemysl Otakar II and Václav II the foundation to this spacious and stately regal castle was laid. It was substantially rebuilt by Václav IV and later whole heartedly finished by Vladislav Jagelonskŭ. Kĝivoklát was seriously damaged by fire several times. It became a feared prison and its significance decreased rapidly. In the 19th century the Fürstenberks had the castle restored in Romantic style.
   The former favorite hunting seat for several Czech rulers at the time has remarkable castle interiors with many well preserved elements of Medieval decoration. The monumental Great Tower holds hunting weapons and other specimens relating to the history of hunting. The beautiful castle chapel and the spacious late Gothic hall contains an exposition of the sculptural art belong to the interesting premises. There is also a precious collection of Gothic panel paintings and works of sculpture in the castle, and it is also possible to see the collections provided by the Fürstenberks in the 19th century and at the start of the 20th century, including pictures and an extensive library. There is a former prison and torture chamber in Kĝivoklát, worthy of mention as well as a rather unique and impressive black kitchen in the tower, called Huderka, with an observation terrace.