Státní hrad Lipnice, 582 31 Lipnice nad Sázavou
Tel. +420 569 486 189, +420 569 486 114

   The Lipnice castle was founded by Raimund of Lichtemburk at the beginning of the 14th century. Other
important possessors were Jan Lucemburský, Karel IV, the nobility of both Lipá and Landštejn, and
Čeněk of Vartemberk. In the 15th century the estate was obtained by Mikuláš Trčka of Lípa, whose
descendants built a new palace at the start of the 16th century, and around 1537 Jan Trčka ordered
other parts of the castle to be adapted in the late Gothic style, though showing a touch of the
oncoming Renaissance. Though the castle was partially damaged before the end of the Thirty Years
War, it was not completely abandoned in the following centuries and thus did not become desolate
until after the fire of 1869. Later, when the castle silhouette threatened to vanish from the
horizon entirely, a few enthusiasts established the Association for Preservation of the Castle
Lipnice, however, it had to wait for thorough reconstruction until the second half of the 20th
century, with only the basic structure being secured against collapse.
   In the castle's interior can be found an armory, an archeological exposition, and an ample
collection of stone tiles from the 15th and 16th centuries. The spacious cellar vaults and pillared
Banquet Hall are accessible as well. In a nearby cottage under the castle, J. Hašek wrote his world
famous Stories of the Good Soldier Švejk.