Státní hrad Pernštejn, 592 62 Nedvědice
Tel. +420 566 566 101, e-mail:

   Hidden in the forests of the eastern edge of the Bohemia-Moravia highlands, Pernštejn is
one of the most important and most beautiful castles in Moravia. From the middle of the
13th century it was the seat of the lords of Pernštejn who for centuries played an
important role in the political affairs of the Czech kingdom.

   Its present appearance results from the late Gothic transformations the castle underwent
between 1450 and 1550. It came to be known as the "marble" castle because of the marble-
like local stone used to frame the doors and windows. The same material was used for the
late Gothic church of nearby Doubravník which contains the family vault. The castle has
preserved some of its alveolar vaulting. At the end of the 16th century the family was
obliged to sell both the castle and attendant estate, which marked the end of its days
of glory. Around the 1700´s Baroque alterations were carried out in the castle rooms,
and in 1716 Franz Eckstein decorated the ceilings of the chapel while G.A.Corbellini
added stucco to the Knights Hall.
   The end of the 18th century brought further
modifications required by the new owners, the Schröffl family from Mannsberk, in whose
days A. Schweigl executed the sculptures for the castle gardens.