Státní hrad Šternberk, 785 01 Šternberk
Tel. +420 585 012 935

   The original castle was established after the middle of the 13th century by Zdeslav from Šternberk. The building damaged by the Hussite wars was restored by Jiří Strážnický from Kravaře; further additions were made by the family of Berka from Dubá and Lipá in the 16th century. The repairs after the Thirty Year's War did not architecturally enrich the castle anymore. The dilapidating building was rebuilt by an architect from Vienna K. Kaiser in a Romantic style after 1886. This radical restoration was initiated by the Duke John II from Liechteinstein.
The first floor of the castle palace is furnished by individual pieces of furniture from the 16th century, there are also paintings and sculptures. Each stove in the rooms of the 2nd floor has different decoration as well as furniture from later periods. The castle of Šternberk is also famous for its rich museum of table clocks.