Státní hrad Točník, 267 53 Točník
Tel. +420 311 533 202

   Točník is first mentioned from 1398. It is an architecturally mature building where its founder, king Wenceslaus IV, like to dwell. After Renaissance adaptations performed by the barons from Vartemberk and from Lobkovice the castle was inhabited till the Thirty Year's War during which it most of the castle dilapidated. Even now however it dominates the whole neighborhood. It is possible to see the original interiors and archaeological finds related to the castle in its five story royal palace. The venerable building and its smithery, prison dug in the rock, well and tower with a view as well as a number of newly installed accessories bring about the impression of Medieval age. Its even older period can be recalled at the nearby ruin of the former royal castle of Žebrák.