Kulturní centrum, Radnická 4, 658 78 Brno
Tel. +420 542 210 758

   Brno, the administrative and cultural capital of the South Moravian province, is located within a diversified terrain at the confluence of the Svratka and the Svitava rivers.
The oldest church in Brno, St. Peter and St. Paul's, stands on Petrov Hill. Originally a Romanesque basilica of the of 12th century, it became a Gothic structure during the 14th century. During the first half of the 18th century it was refashioned by Moritz Grimm and furnished in contemporary style with the fine sculptural work by Andreas Schweigl. Its Gothic appearance was restored in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
   The Franciscan church of St. John, in Brno, is also of medieval origin. It contains a sculptured Madonna of the 14th century, wall paintings from 1504 and baroque frescos by Jan J. Etgens. The architecture of the Dominican monastery and its church of St. Michael dates from the first half of the 13th century, though its present appearance is the result of the Baroque alterations carried out in 1655-1679 by Jan Erna and Domenico Martinelli. The oldest panel painting of the Virgin known to this country is to be found in the brick-built church of the female order of Cistercians, the church of the Assumption founded in 1322 by Queen Eliška Rejčka.

   Brno lists other churches of Gothic origin: the parish church of St. James (late 14th century), its triple aisle the work of Anton Pilgram (1511); the convent church of St. Thomas of the Augustinian pilgrim order (1350) with its Gothic Pieta in the Parler style and late baroque paintings by Franz A. Maulbertsch; and the Carthusian monastery and church of the Holy Trinity (14th century) with wall paintings by Maulbertsch.