Český Krumlov
Informační centrum, nám. Svornosti 2, 381 01 Český Krumlov
Tel. +420 380 711 183

   The South-Bohemian district town of Český Krumlov is situated at the foot of the Blanský forest on the Vltava river, a Protected Area. In 1992 the town was registered on a protected site list by UNESCO. At that time, the town had celebrated seven centuries of its existence, which speaks for its rich history and its aristocratic families -the Lords from Krumlov, later the Rožmbergs, Eggenbergs, and Schwarzenbergs.
   The unique architecture of the historical center of the town, the castle, as well as, the large number of cultural events, bring more than a million visitors to Krumlov every year. These are renowned in the world the same way as the town is itself.