Informační centrum Slavonice
Tel. +420 384 493 014

   Thanks to its isolation which, among other things, is a result of economic stagnation, the southwest Moravian town of Slavonice has preserved its unique combination of Late Gothic and Renaissance town architecture. Some of the buildings contain remarkable interiors, such the murals of the Apocalypse dating from the mid-16th century, which can be seen in the former Lutheran prayer house in the Upper Square, or those on the western side of the Lower Square in a single-storied house dated 1543 - 1549.

   The house has a lofty hall vaulted in alveolus. Its banqueting hall has a wooden ceiling and Renaissance mural paintings. The triple-aisled basilica of the Assumption, the town's principal parish church, was erected in the second half of the 14th century. Its main aisle was vaulted in the 15th century and the construction of the nave and tower was completed in 1549.