Zámek Blansko, 678 26 Blansko
Tel. +420 516 417 221
   To the north of Brno, in the Drahanská Highlands, you wil find the wonderful 100 km2 area of Moravian
Karst, with typical Karst landscapes; canyons, gorges, about 400 large and smal caves, underground
streams, and dead-end valleys. The main center of the Moravian Karst, and the natural gateway into its
most attractive parts, is Blansko. Throughout the year, visitors can access the Sloupsko-Šošůvské caves,
the Balcarka cave, and Karst's best known features, the Punkva cave and the Macocha gorges. Visitors can
experience an unforgettable boat ride on the underground river, Punkva. On the little bridge near the
tourist hut, they can look down to the bottom of the gorge. Thanks to its stalactites, the Moravian Karst
is the most visited Karst land in the Czech Republic.