Klášter Osek, 417 05 Osek
Tel. +420 417 837 393

   At the foot of the Krušné Hory mountains there is an architecturally precious complex, the
Cistercian monastery in Osek, which was established as early as the end of the 12th century. The
site is dominated by the large abbot church of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary established as a
Romanesque three nave basilica in 1207. In 1712 - 1718 the building was rebuilt in a top Baroque
style by the architect Octavius Broggio.

   One of the most precious objects of the monastery is one of the oldest Gothic spaces in
Bohemia, the old convent, whose eastern wing with a beautiful chapter hall was built around 1240.
The new convent together with the library and chapels was built at the beginning of the 18th