Národní kult. památka, klášter Plasy, 311 11 Plasy
Tel. +420 373 322 174

   In the romantic valley of the Střela river there is a Cistercian monastery established before 1146 by the Duke Vladislav II. The site of the monastery underwent reconstruction several times of which the most significant is the reconstruction of the convent during 1711 - 1740 based to the project drafted by Santini and Dientzenhofer with perfect foundation design for building in a boggy soil and excellent control of matter and space.

   The precious architecture is complemented in the chapels and corridors of the first floor by fresco decoration by F. A. Müller, J. A. Pink and J. Kramolín. A section of the site, apart from the convent, is also the chapel, named the Royal Chapel, the church of the monastery and Metternich tomb in the Church of St. Wenceslaus. In the convent there is an exhibition oriented to the history of pharmacy in Plasy and a gallery of the family of Stretti from Plasy.