Svatá Hora
Poutní areál Svatá Hora u Příbrami
Tel. 318 429 930, 318 429 943 e-mail:

   Svatá Hora is an important pilgrimage site dominating the area of Příbram. The site with cloisters,
chapels and gates around the impressive cathedral of Ascension of Virgin Mary was being built during
the long period of 1658 to 1709. The project was made probably by the famous architects C. Lurago
and G. D. Orsi, P. I. Bayer worked here since the beginning of the century. There is a former Jesuit
Baroque residence standing next to the church. Richly furnished internal spaces of the cathedral are
richly decorated by stucco. There is a Gothic statue of Madonna with a child in the center of the
gilded altar in a silver box.