Klášter Teplá, 364 61 Teplá
Tel. +420 353 392 264

   The history of the canon of the Premonstratensian monks date from 1193 when it was established by
the Czech courtier Hroznata, the princely trustee of the frontier area who was beatified at the end
of the 19th century. During its history the monastery experienced both periods of flourishing and
decline. On the break of the 17th and 18th century the monastery was rebuilt brilliantly in Baroque
style by K. I. Dientzenhofer.
   Like other Czech and Moravian monasteries Teplá too was let to
dilapidate by the communist regime when the monks were forced to leave. Only the library and the
church survived relatively intact under the care of the government. In 1990 the Premonstratensians
returned to the monastery and both the monastery and the church life is being gradually restored
here since.

   The library of the monastery (at the photo) is with its extent the second largest in this
country. It contains rare manuscripts, incunabula and books in all European languages. The abbot
church of Annunciation of Our Lady represents a precious example of the transition of the Romanesque
style into the Gothic one. The Baroque interior stores valuable works from the 18th century.